Pandolce - A traditional sweet bread from the city of Genoa

Pandolce sweet bread

Pandolce is a traditional sweet bread from the city of Genoa in Italy. Its history dates back to the 16th century when it was first created as a holiday treat for the citizens of Genoa. The bread was made with ingredients such as sugar, raisins, candied citrus peel, and spices, which were often considered luxuries and only used on special occasions.

Over the years, pandolce grew in popularity and became a staple in Genovese households during the Christmas season. The recipe for pandolce was passed down from generation to generation, with each family adding its own unique twist, resulting in the creation of various regional variations of the bread.

During the Second World War, however, the production of pandolce was affected by the shortage of ingredients. But after the war, the production of pandolce was resumed, and the bread regained its popularity.

Today, pandolce is a much-loved delicacy in Genoa and is eaten not only at Christmas but all year round. The traditional recipe for pandolce has been preserved and is still made using the same ingredients and techniques that have been used for centuries. The bread is also widely available in bakeries and can be found in many grocery stores in Genoa and the surrounding area.

To sum up: Pandolce is a sweet bread with a rich history and cultural significance in the city of Genoa. The traditional recipe for this bread has been handed down from generation to generation. It is still a favorite treat for the people of Genoa.

You can buy it here: Panarello