Spianata di Castelletto

Spianata di Castelletto - Genova

The magnificent Spianata di Castelletto platform provides an impressive view of the historic cityscape. From this elevated location, visitors can appreciate the old city's intricate layout and the lively maritime scene, including modern ships, the cruise terminal, the old port, and the entire port district. This critical viewpoint reveals a tapestry of towers, rooftops, and the elegant villa district near Righi Hill.

"Castelletto" refers to a castle that once stood here, a fortress of great strategic importance. It was destroyed long ago in 1849 during the Battle of Genoa, a significant event in the city's history, to prevent potential capture by enemy forces. Only the district's name remains to remind us of its historic significance.

From Spianata Castelletto you can admire baroque domes, medieval spires, slate roofs, and palace gardens. The Ascensore della Spianata Castelletto lift, starting from Piazza Portello, offers a leisurely ascent to this spot, promising breathtaking views of the sea and lush, villa-dotted green hills that will leave you in awe.

Photographs by the Alinari brothers in the early 20th century helped establish Spianata Castelletto as a city symbol and a significant tourist draw. The architecture here stands as a testament to its rich history. Embarking on a journey through time, riding the vintage elevator to this observation point offers a unique experience that will transport you back to a bygone era. Couples often visit to enjoy the sunset, during which tiny bats appear and wild-necked parakeets frolic.

A visit to the historic city centre is only complete with a stop at Spianata Castelletto. Though the elevator is somewhat hidden, signs will guide visitors. An elevator journey to this viewpoint is worthwhile at any time, but the light is particularly enchanting at dawn and twilight, casting a golden hue over the panoramic view, including the port's large cranes, which rank as one of Genoa's top attractions.

See also https://www.visitgenoa.it/en/node/21752